How many accounting standards are published by ICAI
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) has issued a total of 32 Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS) that are converged with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). These standards are designed to ensure uniformity in accounting practices across companies in India.
The key highlights of these standards are:
- Ind AS: These are the accounting standards applicable to companies in India and are largely converged with IFRS.
- Application: Ind AS is applicable to certain classes of companies based on their net worth and listing status. For example, Ind AS is mandatory for all listed companies and others with a net worth of ?250 crore or more.
List of some key Ind AS:
- Ind AS 1: Presentation of Financial Statements
- Ind AS 2: Inventories
- Ind AS 7: Statement of Cash Flows
- Ind AS 8: Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors
- Ind AS 10: Events after the Reporting Period
- Ind AS 12: Income Taxes
- Ind AS 16: Property, Plant and Equipment
- Ind AS 18: Revenue
- Ind AS 19: Employee Benefits
- Ind AS 21: The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates
- Ind AS 24: Related Party Disclosures
- Ind AS 27: Separate Financial Statements
- Ind AS 28: Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures
- Ind AS 32: Financial Instruments: Presentation
- Ind AS 33: Earnings per Share
- Ind AS 36: Impairment of Assets
- Ind AS 37: Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets
- Ind AS 38: Intangible Assets
- Ind AS 40: Investment Property
- Ind AS 41: Agriculture
Additionally, ICAI has issued other Accounting Standards (AS) for entities not required to follow Ind AS, especially those following Indian GAAP. These standards are aimed at providing a comprehensive framework for the preparation and presentation of financial statements.
For the most accurate and updated list, you can refer to the official ICAI website or their latest publications.