What is the prognosis for glioblastoma multiforme

Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most aggressive and lethal type of primary brain tumor. The prognosis for GBM is generally poor, despite advances in treatment. Here’s an overview of the prognosis and factors that influence it:

1. Median Survival Time

  • Typical Median Survival:
    • The median survival time for patients with GBM is approximately 12 to 15 months after diagnosis, even with aggressive treatment.
  • Two-Year Survival Rate:
    • About 15-25% of patients survive two years after diagnosis.
  • Five-Year Survival Rate:
    • The five-year survival rate is very low, around 5-10%.

2. Factors Influencing Prognosis

  • Age:
    • Younger patients tend to have a slightly better prognosis. Patients under 40 generally have better outcomes compared to older patients.
  • Tumor Location:
    • Tumors in certain brain regions may be more challenging to remove surgically, leading to a worse prognosis.
  • Extent of Surgical Resection:
    • Patients who undergo a more complete surgical resection of the tumor (gross total resection) generally have better outcomes than those who have only a partial resection or biopsy.
  • Molecular and Genetic Markers:
    • MGMT Promoter Methylation:
      • Patients whose tumors have methylation of the MGMT gene promoter tend to respond better to treatment with temozolomide (chemotherapy) and have a better prognosis.
    • IDH1/IDH2 Mutation Status:
      • GBMs with IDH mutations (less common in primary GBM) generally have a better prognosis compared to those without these mutations.
    • EGFR Amplification and PTEN Mutations:
      • These and other molecular markers can influence tumor behavior and response to treatment, potentially affecting prognosis.

3. Treatment Options and Their Impact

  • Standard Treatment:
    • The standard treatment for GBM typically involves maximal safe surgical resection followed by radiation therapy and concurrent chemotherapy with temozolomide.
    • After initial treatment, adjuvant temozolomide is usually continued for several cycles.
  • Tumor Treating Fields (TTFields):
    • A newer treatment modality involving electric fields to disrupt tumor cell division. When used in combination with standard therapy, it has shown some improvement in survival.
  • Clinical Trials:
    • Participation in clinical trials may provide access to experimental therapies, which can sometimes improve outcomes, though this is not guaranteed.

4. Challenges in Treatment

  • Recurrence:
    • GBM almost always recurs after initial treatment, and recurrent GBM is even more difficult to treat.
  • Resistance to Therapy:
    • GBM is known for its resistance to conventional therapies, partly due to its highly heterogeneous nature, making it challenging to treat effectively.

5. Palliative Care and Quality of Life

  • Focus on Symptom Management:
    • Given the aggressive nature of GBM, palliative care is often a crucial part of the treatment plan, focusing on managing symptoms and maintaining the quality of life.
  • End-of-Life Care:
    • End-of-life care planning is important, as the disease progresses rapidly in most cases.


Despite aggressive treatment, the prognosis for GBM remains poor. Ongoing research is aimed at finding more effective therapies, but as of now, the disease is considered incurable. Most patients will experience a significant decline in neurological function and overall health as the disease progresses, emphasizing the importance of supportive care alongside treatment.

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