The results of the national elections are out and we have a new President on the scene, Mr. Donald J. Trump. Though many things were on their agenda for both the Presidential candidates with regard to the higher education in the country, since now the race is over and the time actually has come for Mr. Donald Trump to deliver the values behind his voices in the Presidential debates.
During his voyage to become the 45th President of United States of America, Mr. Trump had mentioned his vision with regard to higher education in US at various instances.
During one of his speeches, he was heard saying that the Government should not focus on making money from student loans. Instead these student loans should be viewed as investment in America’s future.
Though nothing specifically has been forced on the educational sector reforms, there are two major points in the Mr. Donald Trump’s vision, the one being the reforms to ensure the Universities to work towards reducing the cost of colleges. The other being the easing up of the access to attend a four years degree program or vocational courses. During his electoral speeches, he highlighted the point saying that the Students are choking on loans. They cannot repay it. Mr. Trump had also been caught saying in one of his Pennsylvania speech that the college debt is having a devastating impact on many students and graduates. Alongside, he also criticized the spending decisions of colleges and universities with multibillion dollar investments. Mr. Donald trump had also indicated towards doing away with the role of Department of Education in order to strengthen the local education.
All these points are indicative of Mr. President’s inclination on improving the college affordability and smoothening the educational system in U.S. We must show faith in the vision of our President in order to reap the benefits of the policies of his Government.