You have landed at your dream company and for the perfect interview which is about to end but have you noticed in every interview the interviewer always pops the question “Any questions for me? “And we just ignore it either in apprehension or just for the mere fact it can lighten our chances for the job, but don’t skip this rather asks these questions before taking up any job –
- The skills and experience required for the role – This is the most important question that will have the interviewer put his cards on the table and indicate what the employer is looking for. This will help you understand exactly the role is about, and you can decide as to how well you fit that mold.
- The culture of the organization – The answer to this question help’s you in determining the processes of the company. You can see how your personality fits there. If you like to work alone will you get that much of space or if you like to work with teams will you are able to adjust in an atmosphere of trust and relationships.
- Details about the person you will be reporting – Do not take into consideration how good the company is especially in this regard, your reporting manager will be the person whom you will be closely dealing with on daily basis. You need to find out more about this person at earlier stage before even personality clashes develop.
- Who previously held this position – This question will tell you whether that person was promoted or fired or he quit or retired. This will provide a hint to whether there’s a chance for advancement, place is in turmoil or the employees are unhappy.
- What is the next step – This is your closing and the essential last question which you should definitely ask. It shows that you are interested in the job and moving along with the processes of the company. This invites the interviewer to tell you how many people have applied for the same position.