Friendship is the best relationship one can ever have in their life. A good friend is a true blessing of God. A good friend must always be treasured as they are difficult to be found out. Selfless service is the essence of true friendship. A true friend proves him-selves by his good deeds. A true friend does not have any selfish motive. He is prepared to do anything for the sake of friendship. He can even sacrifice his life to save the life of his friend. Such a friend is called a true friend. That friend need not be an outsider. Sometimes we find a friend in the relationships we have at home like in our brother, mother, father, sister or be it the husband. However, we meet so many people in the outside world and in some we can find very good friends.
For a true friendship to last forever, it may not be necessary for the two individuals to be from the same areas of work, study or interest. A lasting friendship comes out of deep understanding and a mutual respect for each other. The essence of a true friendship is the comfort level that two friends share with other, the ability to share things that we cannot share with any other person without the fear of being judged or quoted to the outside world. Sometimes there are situations in life when you feel depressed, demotivated, and like quitting everything. In this situation, it is a friend only who can be a best individual to help you out.
Friends are free spirited, free of any jealousy, resentment or anger fulfilled emotions. They may also fight sometimes, feel bad about one another, but at the end of the day, a friend is indeed a friend. So always have friends in life. Cherish the earlier ones and make new friends whenever you strike the right person.
This friendship day, take some time out to thank for all the blessings you have in the form of friends and reach out to let them know that they are special for you. Let’s get going and have some fun with them. I am sure the Friendship Day spent with your best buddies will be one of the most beautiful memories of your lifetime.