International English Language Testing System or IELTS which helps you to study or work abroad is the world’s most popular English language test. More than 2.5 million tests are taken each year. IELTS is the only English test accepted for immigration purposes by all countries that require one. Below we share some tips on how to ace the high ranking exam –
- Read the question and then answer – Rule number one is to read the question carefully and underline what all information you want to include, analyze properly and make some notes before answering.
- Don’t write to soon – Do not start writing immediately, most of the students in excitement of knowing the answers start writing quickly, don’t do that plan on how you will start and how you want to finish , the more you think the better you will write.
- Keep it short – Do not extend your word limit. 150 words means 150 words learn to summarize your essays. The more words you write the more susceptible you are to errors. However if you wish to extend just do a little, the ideal word limit for essay should be 260-280 and report should be 160-180.
- Do not copy – It’s a big no ! Do not copy whole sections of the question, the examiner will not consider that in your essay and you will receive no marks for it.
- Keep a track of time – Timing is often a problem, you need to schedule your time wisely as both the tasks are equally important. Do not spend more than 40 minutes on your essay which is Task 2 and 20 minutes on Task 1 the report.
- Check your writing – This a must, check your writing for grammatical errors and word repetitions, since this is an exam of language you are awarded on the basis of variation in your language. Pay attention to punctuation’s and other errors else you will end up losing marks.
- Keep it well structured – Examiners spend a lot of time with your answer papers, you can create a good impression by presenting a well structured, paragraphed piece of information.