Maximum students often have trouble in recalling what they have studied just before an exam. Such a situation leaves them anxious and they are not able to perform well at their exams. Below we list best study hacks to help your brain remember information easier and quicker and eventually help you do better in your exams.
- Don’t just read but speak – Read your study material loud. Research suggests that you are 50% more likely to remember something if you speak it out loud instead of simply reading it over and over. Read your text loud but just don’t do this in a library.
- Draw illustrations – If you find it difficult to remember a piece of information, try remembering it by drawing a flowchart or any other diagram, you will be able to understand it better and faster. This helps in producing a visual memory which can be easily recalled during exams.
- Generate mental associations – It is the easiest method to memorize information. It boosts creativity and intelligence. This method builds a mind map to connect different ideas with the help of visual impressions.
- Seize regular breaks – This is important, do not push yourself very hard on remembering topics. You need to take consistent breaks as your brain continuously runs while you study and takes up all your focus and concentration. This practice will assist your brain to grasp up more information. It boosts your motivation to study and keeps you focused while you learn. You can take a break for 45-50 minutes.
- Apt music – Everybody has a different taste and listening to certain type of music elevates your mood which can help in productive learning. Make your correct play list and relax.
- Practice is the key – The more you practice the more you learn. Practice previous year sample papers or various quizzes, it helps in training your brain to retrieve information.
- Walk it out – Exercising helps in boosting brain power and memory. Indulge in some mild physical activity, it will not only relieve you from stress but also help you in performing better. Sauntering before your exam is an activity which should consider taking up.