9 Things to do before studying abroad
Studying abroad can be a vital as well as exciting part of your education. You should be ready for more than just a language and culture barrier. With proper preparation, your study abroad can be one of the best experiences of your life, below we list 9 essential tips –
- Studying abroad is an expensive affair. Prior to committing to any program, estimate how much you will spend during your tenure abroad. You can qualify for federal loans or grants or you can even try for scholarships.
- Search for a calling card that will charge your overseas calls to your home number. Best alternative is using Skype it is the easiest and cheapest way to communicate with people everywhere.
- Make sure you have all necessary travel documents to avoid the hassle at end moment. If your destination country requires a visa, apply it well in advance. Confirm that the visa will cover your entire study abroad period.
- Another aspect is the travel insurance. If you already have health insurance or any other insurance check and see if it includes coverage for overseas care.
- Make sure you are aware of social customs. Research about the country in advance where you are going, to avoid awkward situations. Always remember to consider the language barriers, even though you may know their language there is always a certainty of miscommunication.
- Make connections and let people know where you are going, let your plans about studying abroad be known to your family, friends and even other local connections that you seem to find invaluable.
- Look out for a bank as banking in a foreign country is quite different than what you are used to at your country. You may not be able to use your ATM card or credit card the way you do at home.
- Know what to do in case of emergency and store all the helpline numbers in your phone. You can also consider a trip to State Department to know more about their services.
- The best joys of traveling are exploring the foods of the country you are visiting. Before trying the local delicacies, it’s in your best interest to research any potential health hazards related to food and drink and be safe.