When you graduate from your college, a lot of things will change. You’re not only transitioning with big changes in college but you are also transitioning with big changes in your personal life. When you head off to a new life after college or if you decide to take some time to do something else, your friendships are going to change which is just a fact of life.
As soon as you approach your last year of college there develops a combination of feelings of both excitement and trepidation. But what exactly happens to the friendship we start in college – ?
- Your true friends are still going to be there for you, even if you’re hundreds of miles apart. And yes we mean it, you will rallies it’s that strong bonds like yours prove unbreakable. No matter where you end up, you won’t be alone.
- Holidaying will become the best time for you. You’ll have sleepovers basically every night when you’re on summer break. Your parents will often get mad at you for never being at home.
- You will get more close to your friends as you were not before. Distance from our loved ones teaches us a lot of things; you may start treating your friends as your family with course of time.
- You will realize who your real friends are. Dedication towards friendship is from both sides, it’s a mutual relationship, and if you are important to somebody they will make a point to stay in your life forever.