Waiting for your exam results can be stressful and the run up day is often filled with panic, guilt and fear about the future. These are just some of the feelings you experience. We have put together some advice that can help you during this phase –
- Don t bottle up your feelings – If you’re anxious, talk about it. Tell your family or friends, and don’t be embarrassed about your feelings. We often think that nobody else is feeling as us but there are high chances your other friends are too. Exams are stressful, holding up stress can make it worse, thus it’s really important not to keep it all inside.
- Give yourself a break – Exams are done, relax. Thinking over and over about them will not change your performance now. Always remember your exam results are just marks given to a thing you wrote down, once. Give your brain a break, go for a walk, play sports, indulge in arts and crafts and don’t unnecessary over stress about the results.
- Make a plan – A beforehand plan is vital and it always works. Think about what you can do if you don’t get the grades you were hoping so, if you have a plan you will not be panicking on the day. Chase for all the possible courses available in the stream you wish to go for, so you have alternatives available.
- Night before – A good sound sleep should be the last thing on your mind as it will put you in a nice frame to what lies ahead. Resist the urge to think again and again because it won’t help and there’s nothing you can do about it now. Also do not indulge in much caffeine just because you feel anxious.
- Don’t Panic ! – Result time is distressing, especially if you do not get what you want but, for majority of people, things work out. It can be possible you end up going to a university you do not anticipate going, but things will get into flow soon. A relaxed and good frame of mind to face is what lies ahead.