In different spheres of life, we all assume leadership role somewhere be it professional arena, families or society. With leadership, comes along a great responsibility as many individuals depend on leader for directions and you have to bear the outcomes of ventures led by you. Sometimes the outcome may not be desirous and the leader is the one to be blamed for it. Failure is difficult to cope up with for any leader. Failure teaches a number of lessons which can be treasured for future consideration in order to achieve success. A leader should learn from failures and bring some changes in his role as a leader to ensure success in future ventures.
It is necessary that a leader be busy walking on the road to success. However, being efficient and impactful is more important than being busy. Leader is not bound to do everything himself but to take his team’s help in order to complete the tasks on time and where the staff/ team faces problems, leader must come forward with a solution and ready help. Not only for taking up the credit for something well done, a true leader must be well prepared for the situations where some sacrifices are to be made. This will set an example for his team to follow his footsteps.
For a healthy leadership’ one must follow a disciplined life and respect deadlines. A Leader should work according to strategies. Always remember that non-planned ventures are bound to fail. So plan wisely keeping in mind the available resources.
Yes I am the leader. This is a nice feeling but never compromise your personal hours and try to strike out a balance between work and life. Never think that the world will stop when you die. Organizations keep on going. So, do have some time for yourself. Do take some vacations off as this will give you some time away from work and who knows, you may do an introspection of your strategies to think of something innovative. It is also important to have friends outside your work sphere.
For a leader to achieve success and win the trust of their team, it is important not to put the onus of failures on their teams. Like, instead of saying, We failed due to lack of efforts, one can say, this time we all did better however , next time we all will do the best. Always praise your team’s efforts and never undermine them since a team is the hands and legs of body whereas leader is the mind.
Success is not bound to happen in any venture. If you fail, then fail like this was the last failure you faced and success awaits you in future.