The recent exit of Britain from European Union has left the student community over the world disturbed. Surveys reflect that the students have been apprehensive of its impacts over economy and for studying in United Kingdom. The impact of this news has been found to be grave that the students are facing difficulty in concentrating and writing their examinations.
Though the process of Britain‘s exit from EU has just gained limelight, it will take almost two years for complete exit from EU. The aftermaths of this Brexit are being predicted, however the actual outcome is yet to be noticed. At first, until UK negotiates deals with the EU, questions about the logistics of student movement between the UK and the rest of Europe remains pending. There are worries, particularly among students with regard to paying higher fees for “international students” rather than the EU rates when they travel from or to the UK to study, and second being the expected visa restrictions.
Here, I will give you some possibilities which can bring hope in the atmosphere of despair and hopelessness. According to the representatives of British Council, it has been informed that as an organization for cultural relations and educational opportunities, the British Council has been working and will be continued to work with their European neighbours in the field of maintaining cultural relations. Simon Gaskell, president and principal of Queen Mary University of London, found himself making a guarantee. He told current and prospective students who attend his university from European Union nations outside the U.K. that their tuition would remain the standard £9,000 even after Brexit. It appears that one must remain optimistic about the fact that such a potent country like U.K. will surely work out some agreement with the neighbor nations which will be in the benefit of one and all across the world especially for the student community across the world which look for learning avenues and does not belong to any country, area or region.