Entering into college can be frightening for many. You start college with a new academic framework, along with a lot of independence, the decisions you make during this first year of college have a major impact on your overall experience. Below we list how you can ace the first semester –
- Visit all Orientations – Every college before starting their academic session, hosts multiple orientations, It’s a must for you to attend atleast one of these orientation’s to know your professors and college infrastructure well. The faster you learn way around campus the more you will be at ease.
- Meet with your professors – There are many upsides to getting to know your professors, especially if later in the semester you run into some hitch. Professors often schedule office hours for the purpose of meeting with students, take advantage of that.
- Join a club or sports team – Becoming a part of a club, society or athletic team gives you the chance to learn new skills, feel more connected to your university, meet new people and make close friends. Join some clubs and be careful not to go overboard.
- Be Organized – College life is a fusion of academic and social events. As a fresher, it takes time to figure out your college life. You have the freedom you’ve always wanted but It’s important to remember not to misuse the freedom and spend equal time on both the academics and your social life.
- Ask questions – Your college is a new place, and it is evident you may get stuck at some point. If you’re unsure or confused about anything, don’t be hesitant to ask someone. Your professors and seniors are always there to help you, the more you learn the easier it will be for you to get through the first semester.
- Make a Budget – If you’ve never had to create a budget, now is the time. Find ways to stretch your money, you can save a lot by avoiding eating out every other day, hanging out etc. You will be glad you saved money when you will need it for something important.