As the morning alarm rings, we start running to cope up with the hectic schedule ahead. In this haste, we always forget to give a peaceful start to the day and end up ruining it. Here are some cool mantras for you to follow just after waking up to make each day special and worth living. These 5 minutes can give your life a much needed life.
- While waking up in the bed, think of the person you love most. Love is the beauty of life. It fuels the hectic life and drives us forward even during moments when we are down.
- Thank God for whatever you have- Though our desires may be never ending and we always wishe to progress in life, we should always thank God for whatsoever he has given us as we are better placed than many in this world.
- Write down something in your mind- A relaxed brain after sleep is open to new So write your feelings on a paper. If you read them later, you will find that you are a storehouse of brilliant ideas.
- Clean up drive- cleaning the house and removing the clutter freshens up the surrounding which also gives us a breath of fresh air. It also involves making up the bed to give our surrounding atmosphere a neat and tidy look.
- Exercising- A relaxed body when exposed to some workout is charged up to survive the hectic schedule. Exercise improves blood circulation and our body starts burning calories as the metabolism wakes up.
You can include more such things which increase positivism towards life. While doing all this, do keep in your mind the dream you are living