College life is an interesting combination of studies and fun. While you get some new friends to talk to and a giant syllabus which can built up your acumen for professional excellence, youngsters get so busy in their routine and bound by temptations, they start eating foods which may not be good in the long run. Here are some tips for you all collegiate to follow in order to have an active and healthy lifestyle.
- Take meals in piecemeal. Instead of having three wholesome meals, eat in between the meals and try to divide the nutrition in five meals a day which helps in easy digestion.
- Avoid junk foods- Burgers, pizzas which are full of cheese, mayonnaise only add to the extra bulges to the body without having any nutrition content in them.
- Take more carbs and proteins than fats- Avoid deep fried stuff like French fries and take instant energy foods such as Bananas, boiled vegetables, legumes, fruits, nuts and yogurt etc.
- Don’t be afraid of college meal plans- If you are bound by a college meal plan, then analyse it thoroughly. If you feel that it contains something unhealthy, you need to ask the cafeteria in charge for its substitution with some healthy snacks. Remember you are raising a concern for each and all.
- If you don’t have plenty of healthy options in your campus, make use of the microwaves to cook something healthy and nutritious for yourself.
- Eating healthy does not mean to neglect your taste buds. The right strategy is substitution instead of a strict no. You need to substitute the eatables with the healthy options such as instead of having a white sandwich, you can have one made with the brown bread.
- Take lots of seasonal fruits and salads. Fruits and salads help in digestion process as well as cleanse the body of any ageing of fattening elements. They also replenish you with the necessary vitamins and minerals.
- Always remember, not to think of dieting when in college as you have a busy schedule full of assignments, examinations, studies etc. to cope up with.
- At last but not the least, if you remember the definition of sound health as given by WHO which elaborates good health as physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing of an individual, one must supplement a good nutritious diet with some physical exercises to stay active.
- Don’t take stress and be cheerful always as it attracts positive energy to life!!So guys, never forget that a healthy mind stays in a healthy body, and eat right!!